What’s that hue to you? This digital color-matching tool is a MUST for artists in the 21st century valerie chaconOctober 29, 2022digital, color, adobe, kuler, RGB, CMYK, materialsComment
Dead Artist Talks: Salvador Dalí valerie chaconOctober 17, 2022digital, podcast, Dali, technology, artComment
Artists from 100 years ago used technology better than you. valerie chaconOctober 9, 2022digital, art, technology, disney, animationComment
Art & technology are not oil & water valerie chaconOctober 2, 2022technology, art, picasso, digitalComment
Bridging the gap between digital and traditional art materialsvalerie chaconMay 3, 2022materials, ARTT2372, texas state, txstate, digital, traditionalComment