Through the Looking Glass
“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!” — Lewis Carroll, Looking Glass
These are multi-media pieces: watercolors/pen and ink with a vellum cut-out portion for the "mirror" (vellum is semi-transparent paper), fairy lights, mirrors (behind the lights), all in a shadow box. My friend requested "Alice through the Looking Glass" paintings in my own interpretation. My interpretation included something more magical than just paint. Some sort of real glow was necessary! Note: lights are white but my camera always makes LEDs look blue.
I actually started this piece using gouache on vellum, thinking I'd try a new technique. The moisture of the paint buckled the paper too much and the paint flaked off when I added ink. I tried ironing it with no result. I added acrylic which made is worse. Gouache also isn't my favorite material to work with. The good news is, it is just paint and paper and can be remade if it doesn't turn out! For anyone wanting to be creative, don't worry if something isn't working. Remember, I have been making art for years and had to redo a majority of this project. 7.2 x 11 inches, 2022